Instytut Nauk Geologicznych Polskiej Akademii Nauk Uniwersytet Adama Mickiewicza Uniwersytet Wrocławski PIG-PIB Narodowy Fundusz Ochrony Środowiska i Gospodarki Wodnej Polskie Towarzystwo Mineralogiczne Petrology Group PTMin


Important dates


Opening Early Registration


Deadline for Early Registration

(does not require abstract)


Final deadline for registration and abstracts


Beginning of the Conference


Registration fees

All prices include accommodation and food (full-board). Price reduction for shorter stays is not possible.


Early Registration Fee (received until 25th June 2023)

PTMin member full fee

800 PLN

PTMin non-member full fee

1000 PLN

Student/ PhD student fee

600 PLN


Late Registration Fee (received after 25th June 2023)

PTMin member full fee

1050 PLN

PTMin non-member full fee

1250 PLN

Student/ PhD student fee

750 PLN


Bank account number for the conference fee:

92 1240 4559 1111 0000 5420 4162 (Pekao S.A.)

Polskie Towarzystwo Mineralogiczne

Al. Mickiewicza 30 (AGH)

30-059 Kraków


IBAN for foreign transfers is PL92 1240 4559 1111 0000 5420 4162


Please provide the name and surname of the participant in the title of the bank transfer.

To register for PTMin 2023 click here. Please prepare the proof of payment for the registration fee when filling out the registration form.

(e-mail correspondence or confirmation from university administration is also fine)

In case of any problems with registration form, please contact us at




Abstracts must be submitted via e-mail to the by 15.09.2023 because they must be printed in Mineralogia Special Papers 51. Please note that your abstract should be limited to one page (including references) using the template available here - LINK